Introducing the Gender Affirming Face Analyzer

Hello everyone! We're excited to share something we've been working on — the Gender Affirming Face Analyzer. It's a tool we built with care, intended to offer support and insights for those exploring their gender identity.

Lots of people use Apps like FaceApp as a proxy to tell whether they ‘pass’ or not as their desired gender. These tools can also create unrealistic expectations for how a person may eventually look, further adding to dysphoria and poor mental health.

We built the Face Analyzer as a solution: it provides specific, gender affirming feedback about your current facial characteristics, in depth analysis of specific facial features, and helpful suggestions for how you can change your presentation to better align with your desired gender identity.

How It Works

The Face Analyzer is a little bit different than other tools: we built it specifically to mimic how the human brain perceives gender based on facial features. The Analyzer looks at specific facial features – like your jawline, eyebrows, and more – and also at how these features combine to create an overall gendered appearance. This isn't about judging or changing your appearance, but more about offering a fresh perspective on your journey.

We Value Your Privacy

Your privacy is really important to us. So, when you use the Analyzer, your photos aren't stored or kept around after the analysis. We take privacy seriously and make sure your data stays yours.

Why Try the Gender Affirming Face Analyzer?

  • A Fresh Look: Get a new view on how your facial features align with your gender identity in a non-judgmental, friendly way.

  • Track Your Changes: If you're curious about how changes over time are affecting your gender expression, our tool can help you see these changes.

  • Understand Your Reflection: Sometimes, we all need a bit of objective insight. This tool can offer that – a clear, unbiased perspective.

  • Safety and Privacy First: Your images are for analysis only and are not kept afterward.

Ready to Explore?

We invite you to try it out! Whether you're just starting to think about gender identity or are well into your journey, we're here to offer a bit of insight and support. Consider this tool a friendly guide on your path to self-discovery.

We're so happy to bring this tool to you and hope it brings a bit of clarity and support to your journey. We’d love to know what you think, and how we can improve it to better serve you - leave a comment with your thoughts!


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